Price Personnel Candidates

Registering with Price Personnel - The Search starts HERE!

Here at Price Personnel Ltd, it is my aim to make your search for a new position as hassle-free and enjoyable as possible. This is achieved by my team of dedicated and committed consultants providing you with the support and advice that you need in order to secure that new job!

From the very first step of registering with us, you are joining an agency that truly cares and supports their candidates. At the registration stage, you will be asked to submit your personal details, followed by a thorough interview with an experienced consultant. This allows us to really get to know you and assists us in securing you a position that is suited to your requirements. We realise that your time is precious.

Following your registration, we will start to work on your behalf and if we feel that your CV is not being utilised to its full potential, then we will offer you a FREE CV formatting service to enable you to secure the right job for you!

On-going Career Advice - Interview Preparation...

It is very important to create the right impression at interview, as first impressions really do count. Be sure to know the following:

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    Company name, address and telephone number
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    Directions and how you are going to get to the location
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    Please ensure that you know as much about the company background as possible – Do ensure that you look at the company website prior to interview, so you can be fully armed with as much information as possible.
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    Make sure that you leave yourself plenty of time.  Lateness creates a really bad impression.  We advise that you arrive at least 10-15 minutes prior to interview.  This gives you the chance to relax and think about what you are going to say.  There is nothing worse than being flustered!
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    The contact name and position of the person conducting the interview
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    Job description and any tests that you may have to undertake
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    Prepare some good questions, i.e. “What would a typical day here involve?” or “When do you think that the company will be making a decision on recruiting for this role?”
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    Turn off your mobile phone, as this is really distracting when trying to interview.
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    Finally, be sure to know your CV inside out, as the client will be asking you lots of questions about your career history.

As we have already mentioned, first impressions REALLY DO COUNT, so we advise you to wear a dark suit to interview and put your best foot forward. Positivity and confidence are very attractive qualities in a candidate.

Your interviewer will be making an instant judgement and forming their opinion of you within the first few minutes, so the way you look is very important and will enable you to shine through, leaving a lasting impression in all the right ways.

On-going Career Advice - CV Formatting...

Do ensure that you tailor your CV for different jobs.  Keep it simple, no more than three pages.  Don’t leave gaps in your CV – missing years in your work history may be viewed with suspicion.  It is essential that you include the following on your CV:

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    Name, Address, home telephone number, date of birth, marital status and nationality.
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    Interests and Hobbies – A good time to list your positions of responsibility and if you belong to any clubs or organisations.
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    Work Experience – You should normally concentrate on your two most recent jobs because employers are usually most interested in this. For each position, make sure you list your title and responsibilities and start and end dates. Be specific and positive about your skills. You should include all achievements, such as meeting deadlines, budgets etc, and any information that may be relevant to your job.
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    Training Courses – List any work related training courses which you have attended, including any company courses. If you obtained a qualification on any courses please list this.
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    Education & Qualifications – List your qualifications and education history for example, any BSc (Hons) GCSE’s. If you have a degree you will probably not need to list all your A’Levels/GCSE’s
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    Foreign Language Skills – Always indicate your level of fluency.

Think you are ready to go?

Right… you are looking smart, all ready to face your interviewer head-on and then suddenly, they utter those immortal words of:

“So, tell me about yourself…”

This question can strike fear into the hearts of the bravest and most experienced candidates, as this is very often the first question that the interviewer will ask.. So it is ESSENTIAL that you get this right. Typical answers should really cover your Education, Work Experience and your most recent position. Keep your answers to just over 60 seconds. There will be more time to develop on this later on in the interview.

“What do you know about our company?”

This is where you can tell the employer that you have done your research on the company, using their website as a vital tool. Tell the employer about the website and how you found it to navigate around. The employer will not expect you to know everything about the company, but you should know what they do, maybe key or feature dates that have been important to them. You can of course use this opportunity to ask the interviewer to develop on what they can tell you about the company in their terms.

“Why should I employ you?”

This question will naturally come towards the end of the interview, so you should already be feeling very comfortable with your interviewer in answering them directly and concisely. Accentuate the positives about the company and highlight your interest in what they do and how this is something that you would like to explore. This could be the branding/image of the company that attracts you, their reputation and also that you feel you could really give 100% to this employer, should they decide to take you on. Highlight your availability and how quickly you could start with them.